One of these efforts comes from our friends at 1Sky with “Make Art for Climate” campaign. From October 28th until December 1st groups have gathered and are still gathering together to create art that sends a message to our President to step up his efforts for strong climate legislation. In the month of December these pieces of art will be delivered to members of the Obama Administration and the Senate in order for them to receive a visual reminder of what is truly needed for us as a country and as a world.
Last weekend I had the opportunity to participate in one of these gatherings. I met with my policy mentor and friend from 1Sky Katy Walters and some other friends that joined and created a piece of art that we believe represents our urgent need for a strong binding climate bill in the United States and treaty in the Copenhagen Negotiations. I have to say it was a great opportunity as a group to get together and have a good time, enjoy some good conversation and fun while at the same time knowing that we were doing something positive to make a difference.
I hope that more of you get inspired on doing something similar in anticipation to the negotiations and if you want more details check out Groups like this one are getting together across the country and you can always also start one of your own. Lets ensure that we do everything possible to pressure our leaders and have them know that we are all concerned for our future, the future of the youth and that of coming generations.
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